If a car accident was partially my fault, can I still get a settlement?

Bridgeway Legal Funding |

Yes! Even if you are partially at fault for the accident, you can still have a claim for money damages.  However, the amount of your settlement will depend on the local liability laws where you live and the percent of fault you are responsible for.  

These laws determine the amount of damages (money) you can recover for each person injured in the accident.  State regulations are divided based on the following rules of negligence:

-Pure comparative fault

-Contributory Negligence 

-Modified comparative fault

In a pure comparative fault state, a person can recover the amount reduced by their percent of fault.  For example, if you are 80% at fault, you can still recover 20% percent of your total damages. 

If you live in a contributory negligence state and you are found 1% at fault you are banned from any recovery.  Only Alabama, Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia follow this rule.   

Lastly in a modified comparative fault state you can only recover if you are found less than 50% at fault.  Your attorney will help you determine what the local liability laws are in your state and how much money you may be entitled to.

The legal system can be slow and frustrating after an accident. Bridgeway Legal Funding can get you the emergency cash you need today and help you cover expenses until you receive your settlement.

You should have an attorney review the facts of your case so that they may determine whether you are at fault and/or what percentage you may be at fault.  An attorney is better equipped to help you make this decision.  In addition to the police report an attorney can obtain witness statement, photos, videos and analyze vehicle damage.  With the help of an attorney and experts it may even be determined you are not at fault for the accident. 

Thus, if your state follows one of the comparative fault rules you may be entitled to money for your injuries, damages and other loses.  So, you should make sure to you do some of the following:

          1. Contact the police

          2. Let your insurance company know about the accident

          3. Speak to a lawyer

          4. Get all necessary medical treatment

          5. Do not admit fault before speaking with an attorney

          6. Take photos and preserve records of the incident

These are just some of the things to keep in mind when you are involved in a motor vehicle accident.  By, taking the above steps you increase your chances of obtaining compensation even if you contributed to causing the accident.          

While you have to wait for your lawyer to fight for the money you deserve, its very easy to fall behind on your bills that don’t quit. That is why Bridgeway Legal Funding is here to help.  Bridgeway Legal Funding can help you get the money you need today and you only have to pay it back if you win your case. Talk a Bridgeway team member today and you could have the money you need to stay afloat within 24 hours.