Work injuries come with a handful of inconveniences—including financial ones. If your on-the-job injury prevents you from going to work and you live paycheck-to-paycheck, you might find it difficult to manage your expenses until you can return to work.
Workers’ compensation is meant to help injured employees fill those financial gaps until the can safely go back to work. Workers’ comp payments in Louisiana are based on your salary at the time of your injury.
Now, workers’ comp can be a financial lifesaver once you get it, but the system does not always work as quickly as you’d like. For example, your first payment should be paid on the 14th day after your employer learns of your injury that resulted in you losing income. At minimum, there’s a seven-day waiting period when you won’t be paid benefits. If you miss more than 14 consecutive days, workers’ comp will pay you for the seven-day waiting period.
But what if you need money the first day you’re out of work? Seven to 14 days is just too long! And what if your claim is denied? The dispute process could take six to nine months—even longer if the case is appealed. Again, that’s far too long to wait if you need money right away. If you cannot afford to wait, a workers comp lawsuit loan may be the answer.
Bridgeway Legal Funding can help Louisianans with their workers comp claim
If a delay in receiving your Louisiana workers’ comp payment is keeping you from paying your rent, mortgage, car payment, medical bills or other obligations, Bridgeway Legal Funding can help. We provide a lifeline for injured workers and advance them a portion of their anticipated workers’ comp settlement right away. Let us help you get the money you need now to pay your bills and cover other costs until your lawyer can secure your fair compensation. Also, an advance on your claim has no risk; you only have to pay the money back if you win you claim and receive a settlement.
To learn more about pre-settlement funding, visit Bridgeway's Guide to Funding.
How long does the workers comp settlement advance process take?
Bridgeway Legal Funding can help you get a workers comp cash advance in three steps:
- Call or email Bridgeway Legal Funding and give us your injury details.
- We’ll contact your attorney to get more information about your case and determine its value.
- We will send you a contract to sign electronically once everything is approved. Bridgeway Legal Funding will send you your money immediately after you and your attorney sign the contact.
How much money can Bridgeway advance me now?
Bridgeway Legal Funding can usually advance about 10 to 20 percent of a workers compensation claim. Since workers’ comp claimants in Louisiana receive approximately two thirds of their average weekly wage during the Temporary Total Disability (TTD) period, determining how much your claim is worth is pretty straightforward once it’s determined how long you’ll be out of work.
How much is my workers compensation claim worth in Louisiana?
The seriousness of your injury will dictate your Louisiana workers compensation claim. As previously mentioned, you’ll likely receive about two-thirds of your average weekly wage. That figure is subject to a maximum or minimum that the Office of Workers’ Compensation Administration (OWCA) sets.
Meanwhile, you could be entitled to Supplemental Earnings Benefits (SEB). These are paid if you can return to work, but can’t earn at least 90% of your pre-injury wage. SEB are calculated as two-thirds of the difference between your pre-injury average monthly wage and the average monthly wage you’re capable of earning post-injury. Again, the figure is subject to the maximum or minimum amount the OWCA sets.
What are Louisiana workers compensation benefits?
Injured workers can file workers’ compensation claim in Louisiana for Temporary Total Disability (TTD), Permanent Total Disability (PTD) or Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) benefits if they do so within one year following the final indemnity benefits payment. Supplemental Earnings Benefits claims can be made for up to three years after the last indemnity benefits payment has been made.
-Temporary Total Disability: paid out when you can’t work or are recovering from a workplace sickness or injury. Indemnity benefits payment is typically equal to about two-thirds of your average weekly wage.
-Permanent Total Disability: paid out when you’re severely disabled because of a work-related injury and can return to your job as a result. Employees could be entitled to a one-time $50,000 payment if the injury is deemed catastrophic.
-Permanent Partial Disability (PPD): paid out when you suffer a permanent impairment (loss of a limb) due to a workplace incident. Benefits are also approximately two-thirds of your average weekly wage.
Contact Bridgeway Legal Funding today for your workers compensation claim advance
A work injury should not prevent you from earning a steady income. If you’re struggling to pay your bills because you’re missing work and your workers comp benefits are taking too long to arrive, get in touch with Bridgeway Legal Funding. We’ll do what we can to get much-needed cash into your hands within 24 to 48 hours.