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What Is a No-Fault Insurance Claim and How Does the Process Work?

Florida drivers must show proof of Personal Injury Protection (PIP), also known as no-fault, and Property Damage Liability (PDL) car insurance before they can operate a vehicle in the Sunshine State, according to the Department of Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

In Florida, PIP, or no-fault car insurance, covers 80 percent of all necessary and reasonable medical expenses up to $10,000 that were due to a covered injury. This coverage is provided regardless of who caused the car accident. Florida drivers are required to carry a minimum of $10,000 in PIP coverage.

Florida is one of about a dozen U.S. states in the U.S. that follows a no-fault coverage model. No-fault insurance helps cover you and your passengers medical expenses, loss of income due to an accident—who’s at fault does not matter when it comes to providing coverage.

No-fault car insurance was designed to offer car accident victims medical access without having to worry about their medical bills. This structure is also meant to streamline injury claims, reduce time to payment and ultimately aid the injured faster and with less hassle. 

No-fault insurance differs from other types of car insurance such as comprehensive and collision because those coverages look at who’s at fault in the accident when determining reimbursement for damages. With PIP or no-fault insurance, however, the coverage will pay for medical expenses as long as the accident is covered within your policy’s terms.

Don’t mistake “no-fault” insurance for “no blame,” however. Fault can and will be assigned after a car accident. This insurance just guarantees payment for car accident-related injuries regardless of who caused the incident.

If you cannot afford to wait after a car accident, apply for a pre-settlement cash advance from Bridgeway Legal Funding and buy the time you and your attorney need in order to fight for the full settlement value you deserve.

To learn more about Pre-settlement Lawsuit Funding, visit Bridgeway's Guide to Funding.

Bridgeway may be able to advance you 10-20% of your lawsuit settlement today. The is no cost to apply and no obligation to accept the funding offer.

Is Florida a No-Fault Insurance State? 

Yes, Florida is a no-fault car insurance state. Drivers are required to carry PIP to pay for their medical bills and other accident-related damages, regardless of who caused the collision. The state’s no-fault law also restricts when you may seek compensation from another party.


Who Can Receive No-Fault Benefits? 

Based on Florida’s no-fault system, covered parties who can receive benefits include:

• The policyholder (as a driver, passenger, bicyclist and pedestrian)

• Members of the policyholder’s household

• Passengers who don’t own a vehicle

Who Cannot Receive No-Fault Benefits?

PIP does have coverage limits. Here are some examples of individuals that no-fault insurance doesn’t cover and instances that where coverage wouldn’t necessarily apply:

• Injuries to pedestrians (their insurance should cover them)

• Medical costs that exceed your coverage (PIP pays up to 80 percent of medical expenses in Florida)

• Vehicle and/or property damage (Comprehensive and/or collision coverage would apply here)

• Injuries to other drivers or their passengers (the other driver’s PIP or no-fault insurance cover their medical expenses.

What Kind of Benefits Can I Receive from a No-Fault Insurance Claim?

If you’re injured in a car accident, your PIP insurance would cover 80 percent of all reasonable and necessary medical expenses that resulted from the crash, according to Florida Statues 627.736. These expenses include:

• Emergency transportation

• Hospitalizations

• Surgical procedures

• Nursing services

• Dental work

• Funeral and burial expenses

• Death benefit ($5,000)

PIP also pays 60 percent of your gross wages and loss of future earning capacity if you’re unable to work due to your car accident-related injuries.

State law requires you to seek initial treatment within 14 days of your accident to receive coverage.

Rather than waiting months for your no-fault car insurance benefits, contact Bridgeway Legal Funding to apply for a non-recourse cash advance (sometimes referred to as a lawsuit loan or pre-settlement funding). We can help you get an advance on your settlement money so you’re not stuck paying out of pocket while you wait for compensation.

Pre-settlement funding is quick and easy, also you only have to pay back the money you borrow if you win your case.


Get the cash you need now after your car accident from Bridgeway Legal Funding

A pre-settlement advance or “lawsuit loan” from Bridgeway can generally get you 10-20% of your future settlement value now and you only have to pay the money back if you win your case.

After a bad accident, you need time and money to recover. If you have been waiting too long to get the money you need & move on after an accident in Florida, apply for a cash advance now with our team at Bridgeway Legal Funding.