Workers' Compensation Lawsuit Loans
If you have been injured while at work and are awaiting a settlement from Workers’ Compensation, Bridgeway can help! Bridgeway Legal Funding can provide you the necessary cash to meet your financial needs immediately while your attorney fights for the full value of your case. A cash advance on your case can help you to pay rent, bills, daily expenses, medical treatment and much more.
Car Accident Settlement Loans
If you have been injured in a car accident and need cash now, Bridgeway Legal Funding can help. Bridgeway specializes no-risk cash advances that help cover emergency expenses, bills, rent and more. Injuries sustained in a car accident can be physical but also mentally & financially. Being forced to miss work and go to doctors appointments for injuries can really cause your bills to pile up fast, Bridgeway can get you the money you need today.
Other Personal Injury Funding Cases
Unfortunately injury causing accidents happen everyday and most people cannot afford to miss work and paychecks while they heal up. Thankfully Bridgeway Legal Funding is here to advance you the emergency cash you need now to get by through your injury recovery.